Prof. Christopher Chao's R

About Us
Professor Christopher Y.H. Chao
Vice President (Research and Innovation),
Chair Professor of Thermal and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering &
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Honorary Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong
Adjunct Professor,
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Professional Qualifications
Fellow, The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (FHKEng) | 2019 |
Fellow, The International Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate (FISIAQ) | 2011 |
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA. (FASME) | 2011 |
Fellow, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, UK. (FCIBSE) | 2010 |
Fellow, Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, UK. (FHKIE) | 2009 |
Fellow, The Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK. (FIMechE) | 2006 |
Registered Professional Engineer (Mechanical, Building Services) (RPE) | 1998 |
Chartered Engineer, The Engineering Council, U.K. (CEng) | 1997 |
Industrial & Other Executive Experience
Member, Board of Directors, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute | 2021 - Present |
Member (HK representative), APSEC Advisory Board, APEC Sustainable Energy Center | 2020 - Present |
Council Member, Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences | 2020 - Present |
Member, Board of Directors, Cyberport | 2020 - Present |
Member, Board of Directors, Engineering Forum, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers | 2019 - Present |
Member, Board of Directors, Engineering Forum, HKU Space | 2019 - 2021 |
Team Members

Mr. Jeffrey J. Feng
Ph.D. Candidate in Mechanical Engineering, HKU
Research Areas
Aerosol Science
Fluid Dynamics
Indoor Air Quality

Mr. G. Yang
Ph.D. Student in BEEE at PolyU; MSc in Mechanical Engineering, HKU
Research Interest
Flutter effect on heat dissipation efficiency using thermal conductive flag
Research Assistants

Miss Kristy Y.H. Chan
MEng in Chemical Engineering at Swansea University
Research Interest
Environmental Sustainability

Miss T. Tennakoon
BEng in Mechanical Engineering, Minor in Environmental Engineering, HKU
Research Interest
Building, Energy and Environment

Mr. Y.F. Wang
Msc in Intelligent Building Technology and Management at HKUST
Research Interest
Heat Transfer